I found
this nice page full of Donald Trump quotes. The purpose of the site is "Motivation and Strategies for Entrepreneurs." No surprise, then, that we find quotes like this:
"We won by wearing everyone else down. We never gave up, and the opposition slowly began to melt away"
And that we don't see one of his wiser quotes (which in fact is found in exactly one place on the web):
"It's a rare person who can achieve a major goal in life and not almost immediately start feeling sad, empty, and a little lost. If you look at the record -- which in this case means newspapers, magazines, and TV news -- you'll see that an awful lot of people who achieve success, from Elvis Presley to Ivan Boesky, lose their direction or their ethics. Actually, I don't have to look at anyone else's life to know that's true. I'm as susceptible to that pitfall as anyone else"
It seems evolutionary psychology is still hard at work. Ethics doesn't pay the bills or help us reproduce, does it?
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